What Are The Top Window Cleaning Equipment?

Agree with me or not but Windows plays an important role in creating a positive environment for our house. Windows enhances the ventilation requirement of the house and reduces the level of suffocation.

If windows take care of our ventilation, we need to take care of our window’s cleanliness, in turn.

Windows get prone to soil, grime, stubborn stains, and hideous streaks. We need to clear it timely especially when we are at the time of the end of the tenancy period. Owners check the window cleaning too and will decide the return of your bond security amount accordingly.

Professionals Bond Cleaners in Perth says that the process needs considerable time but if you use the right equipment, the task will become easier. This blog will be your perfect guide to depicting the best and most effective tools for your perfect window cleaning. So, stay tuned to make your window cleaning easy and effective.

Top Window Cleaning Equipment

There are lots of window cleaning equipment to ease your task and also they are easily available in the market. Let us discuss some of these equipment and their use so far.

Microfibre cloth or towels: Keep a stock of microfibre cloth as it is the most commonly used equipment for cleaning. It is best to remove the loose dust without leaving any residue of lint. You can clean window glass screens, frames, and panes with this cloth. Not just dry dust or loose dust, you can also use it for cleaning the window after applying the cleaning solution. As it does not leave any lint behind, it is the first choice to clean the window.

Scrubbers: The second most important window cleaning equipment is the sturdy scrubber or strip-washer. It includes a scrubber sleeve or a T-bar where the T-bar also works as attachment handles for an extension pole. The scrubber sleeves play the part of scrubbing the stubborn stains and grime. There are 2 types of sleeves- one is a microfibre that soaks excess water from the surface and the second is the bronze wool that helps to remove stubborn stains and grime from the surface. Bronze sleeves are not meant for tinted windows.

Scrappers: Scrappers are used to clean adhesive residue, paint, stickers, and stubborn caulk from windows and glass. This tool consists of a handle, blade, and a protective cover. This tool must be used with great care as it can damage the surface and put scratches over it. Use it smoothly to avoid any scratches on the windows.

Rubber Squeeze: You can make your windows shiny with a rubber squeeze. It is mainly used to remove the soapy solution and excessive water from the windows. You can remove the soapy solution by rubbing it and leaving the windows streak-free.

Soft-bristled brushes: To remove sills, we can use soft-bristled brushes. You can also use old toothbrushes for the same. It reaches the sills and removes the dust and grime from every corner of the window. Apply the solution and scrub the window with soft hands with the help of a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush.

Extension poles: Usually professionals use extension poles to clean the window properly. You can clean hard-reaching places with the help of extension poles. These poles can lock with t-bars, scrubbers, and scrappers and they can reach wherever you want them to. They are not too heavy to lift. It eases your task without using ladders or stools.

Abrasives: Abrasives are another special tool for removing dried bird droppings, hard water stains, and grime from the window surface. There are three types of abrasives you can use- Walnut Abrasives [made from crushed walnut shells], Steel wool [used to remove stains like nail paints, gunk, and grease from glass, wooden, and metal surfaces], Nylon [meant to clean the screens effectively].

Tool Belt and Holsters: The tool belt holds your spray bottles and other equipment together. You don’t need any other person’s help to hold equipment for you. Just tie the tool belt around your waist and reduce the holding task.

DIY Cleaning solutions: The outside cleaning solution contains so much of chemicals and is harmful to your body. So, you can make your DIY cleaning solutions with baking soda, white vinegar, soapy water, alcohol solution, etc. Put them into a spray bottle, and you are ready to clean your windows like a new one.

Other tools: Apart from these other window cleaning tools include- step stools, ladders, buckets, spray bottles, safety harnesses, anti-slip shoes, gloves, masks, and safety goggles. These are also equally likely important tools for you to collect because precautions are better than cure and we all know it well.

Hire a professional: If you do not have the time to clean your windows like a new one and spend time collecting these essential window cleaning tools, then you must hire a professional to make it happen for you perfectly. You can easily find a professional in your city.


Cleaning the window is not an easy task but it can be made easy with the right tools and equipment. In this blog post, we have mentioned some essential tools and equipment for window cleaning. These are easily available in the local market so don’t have to spend a lot of time finding them. You can also hire professional bond cleaners to clean your windows for the next bond cleaning inspection.